Organisational Development

structural management of organisations, to reduce costs

MDC Advisory helps organisations to carry out organisational development projects including organisational reviews, target operating model design and organisational redesign. Our work with clients helps to facilitate improvement to organisational performance and costs.

insights to help shape the culture of your business

Most would agree too that “bringing your people with you” is the key to most successful organisational development initiatives and “improvement” projects. Developing any business inevitably means asking people to realign what they do and how they do it so help our clients in taking the right steps at the right time to enhance the cultural fit and shed light on the prevailing culture and especially the sub-cultures. 

Taking the collective cultural view can be fraught with traps for the unwary often based on the assumption that simple questionnaire methods and engagement-type surveys provide enough to make key decisions leaving the rest to be worked out later. We avoid this trap. Click here to learn how. 

defining culture, for a united team

We advise cultural sense-checking rather than wholesale review (which experience tells us that can lead to blunted data and related erroneous conclusions). We rely on multiple methods to sense check and test issues along with techniques to shed light on issues not visible to management and those that might be “hidden in plain sight”. 

This is often a more effective way to provide guidance on the causal and sustaining factors as well as cultural detractors. It provides us with an opportunity to map culture diagnostics to existing relevant processes and most important, to highlight the difference between the espoused corporate narrative believed by leadership and the practical culture experienced by those who (arguably) are the key people.

want to find out more?

To find out how some of our clients have achieved the most business benefits from implementing effective OD initiatives, what they did and how they did it, click here.

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Reach out to us today and get a complimentary business review and consultation.