Leadership Development

A Data Driven Approach, with a bespoke touch

Our consultants start with getting an understanding of the behaviours that look good from a cultural and business perspective and then help to align talent with these behaviours. Our expertise is in assimilating existing relevant data, understanding the gaps therein and deciding how to best complete the development status of participants at the start. We use the full range of psychometric test and interview methods and 360-degree feedback. We find the latter can be a very powerful way to focus attention on development. We create bespoke or tailor new 360 methods or validate or rewrite existing 360 survey methods. 


Indentifying your leadership needs

Leadership and exec time is scarce and expensive and so development has to be judicially implemented and sensible. Consequently, in identifying individual and leadership team development needs, we devise leadership development programs enhanced by personal development plans to support team and business growth. 

Qualitative Appraisals & Development

None of our clients expect different results doing the same things in the same way, so we ensure that we prepare leadership development programmes that also mitigate potential derailers. Key elements running through all of our work is meaningful, relevant market benchmarking. We work with our clients too, to advise on the practical action needed to create the learning environment they aspire to throughout their businesses. This is often facilitated by leaders and execs demonstrating their own development activities. For some technical detail of our approach and methods click here.

A highly targeted approach

In this context, we are active in delivering development through targeted executive coaching and targeted leadership training. The key word is targeted, and it applies especially to coaching. We believe that executive coaching should be focussed on achieving specific goals, for a focussed period with tangible outcomes. We do not subscribe to development that is not “managed” as a project (with all that this implies for rigour, focus, demonstration of meaningful progression and tracked impact on business KPIs). 

We believe that this targeted approach is especially important for leader and exec development which can at best be dominated by great experiences but without a clear relationship with business outcomes or at worst, time wasting activities that add questionable value (and in some cases may even have an adverse impact). 

Want to Find Out More?

To find out how some of our clients have achieved the most business benefits from development initiatives, what they did and how they did, it click here. 

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